Are You Operating Your New Business With A Small Staff?

Have you already chosen the location for your new business? If so, it must be exciting for you to know where you'll be going to work every day. Perhaps you have even already hired all of your staff members. That was a big job, wasn't it?  On the other hand, you might still be looking for individuals who will make up your office staff. Because your business is just starting, it is likely that you will operate on a small staff. [Read More]

The Fine Art of Business Bookkeeping

Business bookkeeping work is a challenge that many people struggle to deal with. There are, however, a handful of key concepts to keep in mind over the course of a business year that'll help you do the job better. Get Receipts for Everything Especially if you're operating a business that goes through a lot of equipment or consumables, there's a pretty good chance you're going to want to itemize deductions at tax time. [Read More]

Three Tax-Relief Tips For The Self-Employed

For many, the first months of a new year are the most financially stressful, in part due to this being the heart of tax season. This can be especially tough if you are looking at a higher-than-usual tax bill due to self-employment or a change in circumstances. Fortunately, there are ways to find some tax relief. The following are a few methods you can use to help to find some tax relief. [Read More]

Tips For Preventing A Tax Audit On Your Business Taxes

Many accountants know that being compliant with sales tax can be a bit tricky, and it can turn out to become an accounting nightmare. There is a lot that goes into place when it comes to preventing errors on your business taxes. A slight error can lead to a tax audit, and this is something many business owners desire to avoid. Here are a few tips on how you can avoid errors in your business taxes. [Read More]