3 Ways To Start Planning For Your Future In Your 30S

When you reach your 30s, you should no longer just be planning for the present, you should be planning for the future. Planning for the future means that you are making financial decisions that will benefit you down the road, and not just in the present. It is time to let go of instant gratification and start planning for the long-term.  #1 Start That Savings Account It can be hard to talk about investing in your future when you do not even have a savings account. [Read More]

Have To Pay Estimated Taxes? 4 Ways To Avoid IRS Penalties

If you're a small business owner or entrepreneur, you already know that you have to set aside and pay your own income taxes. But how much should you pay and when? While estimating your income can be difficult, the IRS does provide some guidance to make tax payments a little easier. Here's a guide to how to use that guidance to avoid penalties.  1. Use Last Year's Taxes. The IRS rules generally expect you to contribute estimated payments equal at least to 100% of the prior year's income tax liability. [Read More]

Starting Your Own Accounting Business? How To Get Customers

You are a trained CPA, and you want to begin your own accounting service similar to Burkhart Peterson & Company. When you work for yourself, you can choose your own client base, work your own hours, and determine for the most part how much money you make. You need clients to become a successful accountant. When you work for an accounting firm, your clients are brought to you. When you work for yourself, you have to get clients on your own. [Read More]

3 Reasons To Hire Help With Payroll Processing

Do you own a small business with a growing staff? If so, you are likely finding that you have more and more things to keep an eye on with each passing day. One of the most important things you have to be mindful of is processing your company's payroll. Employees aren't likely to keep showing up without a prompt paycheck that's paid out when it's supposed to be. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with every aspect of your growing business, it might be time to get some outside help. [Read More]