Taking Care Of Accounting Issues

How To Generate Business Via Your Email List As A Certified Public Accountant

Email lists are important for all types of businesses, from ecommerce business to restaurants to accounting firms. Email is one of the most effective ways to reach someone. People pay attention to emails in a way that they don't pay attention to other forms of advertising, because they have to directly deal with the emails in their inboxes.  

As a certified public accountant, your email list is really important. It is not just a way to communicate with customers and leads, it is an important money-making tool that you need to be utilizing via newsletters. 

Work to Build Your Email List 

The first thing you need to do is work to build-up your email list so that you are connecting with as many people as possible. When you sign up new clients, be sure to ask for their email address as well as permission to send them emails. On the homepage of your website, include an area people can easily sign-up for newsletters. Have a pop-up on an appropriate page that asks people to sign up to learn more about whatever accounting topic the page is addressing. You should have mechanism in place so that you are always building up your email list.  

Send Emails on a Consistent Basis  

People like consistence and routine, which is why it is important to send out your newsletters on a regular basis. Think about your own favorite bloggers; do you know what day of the week you will get an email from them? Do you look forward to reading this information? 

You are running a business, but the newsletter you send out is really similar to what bloggers do with their announcements. You need to set up a schedule so that people on your list can expect to get a newsletter with financial tips on Monday, a newsletter with market updates on Wednesday, and an email on Friday that is more of a sales pitch.  

Set-up a schedule that you are able to stick to and keep with over the long-term 

Provide Quality Content 

Finally, you need to make sure you are providing quality content. The good news is that you don't have to write all this content on your own. You can work with a company that creates content for CPA and accounting based businesses. They can create the content you want to send your subscribers, personalize the newsletter with your personal business information, and even send out the mails to all of your contacts.  

As a CPA, your email list is really important to cultivate. You need to send your email list valuable information on a regular basis. This can help you increase your sales and client list.  
